
BON SU is not a horse; he, the horse, is simply a friendly online representative drawn by Nirmalpreet, a young aspiring artist.

BON SU is the abbreviation and new name of Bonjour Supermarket,  an online shop launched in 2012 by French transdisciplinary artist Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck. This online platform was ideated, having in mind the ones with a sensitive, playful eye and interest for artist publications, music, and contemporary crafts. Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck selects all the offerings presented on BON SU; these reflect her interests and creative circle. 

While BON SU is Poetic Pastel Press' official online shop since 2015, it also offers independent imprints' publications, including some by Nidi Gallery Press and Earth.Rope.Pot.Plant, alongside a selection of carefully sourced objects of the daily. For the past years, BON SU has faithfully been commissioning and presenting vessel collections by Laurence Labbe, Olivia Fiddes, and Sigrid Volders. BON SU aims to support independent creatives. 

BON SU is a small United-Kingdom-operated project offering worldwide shipping. Please note that orders are shipped once a week.